Architectural Design

Architectural design adds value to your project. Two ways that design can save money are by engineering for disaster resistance and durability to protect life and property, and by designing for energy conservation and free renewable energy generation, to save fuel costs for the entire life of the building.

Ar­chi­tec­tur­al design em­bod­ies the phys­ic­al and spir­itu­al re­la­tion­ship between man and Nature.  As such, ar­chi­tec­tur­al design is one of the most im­port­ant act­iv­it­ies of man, and has last­ing ef­fect on the world and man's his­tory.  Be­cause design starts with dreams, ideas, and vis­ions of a fu­ture en­vir­on­ment, design is fun as well as im­port­ant.  We see our designs as em­bod­i­ments of our cli­ents' ideas, dreams, and needs.  We strive for en­vir­on­ment­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity, af­ford­ab­il­ity, and for the ef­fi­cient ac­com­mod­a­tion of cli­ent needs in the cre­ation of beau­ti­ful con­struc­ted solu­tions.

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy in­teg­rates struc­tur­al and ser­vice tech­no­lo­gies to design struc­tures and build­ings us­ing all types of ma­ter­i­als and struc­tur­al sys­tems. We as­sist own­ers in se­lec­tion of the best, most ef­fi­cient and cost ef­fect­ive ma­ter­i­als and sys­tems for their pro­jects.

  • Design Process
    Our interactive design process includes integrated site & architectural design, conceptual, design development, building permit submission, construction plans, specifications & working drawings, 3D fly through digital model, BIM building information model, interactive cost estimating, and construction cost control.

  • Sustainable Design
    We practice sustainable design architecture, green design, low Carbon construction, for sustainable building design, with net zero fossil fuel use, earthquake, storm, flood, and wildfire survival, and universal sustainable interior design for family safety and accessibility.

  • Energy
    Energy independence is based on advanced technology such as: LED lighting, PoE energy distribution, Raspberry Pi sensors for security, in a smart home with smartphone control. Energy architecture incorporates: sustainable green passive solar, passive geothermal, and solar power generation with a whole house battery.

  • Disaster
    Hurricane, tornado, flood, forest & wild fire, earthquake, EMP protection

  • Getting Started
    Let's talk about your ideas and your project: 540-349-5004

Design­ing your pro­ject is fun!

  • We en­able you to real­ize your dream by as­sist­ing with site & build­ing plan­ning, ma­ter­i­al choices & ap­pear­ance

  • We provide struc­tur­al, ser­vice & en­ergy design in­teg­rated in­to your concept
  • Ex­plore your pro­ject dur­ing Design De­vel­op­ment us­ing our in­ter­act­ive 3-D di­git­al mod­el­ling
  • We ad­vise on pass­ive & act­ive sol­ar and off-grid Net Zero and smart homes
  • We provide item­ized in­ter­act­ive budget ana­lyses for cost con­trol dur­ing the design peri­od
  • We gen­er­ate code com­pli­ant draw­ings of your pro­ject for Build­ing Per­mit Sub­mis­sion
  • We provide con­struc­tion spe­cific­a­tions and ma­ter­i­al sched­ules in your Work­ing Draw­ings.