About Us

We are dedicated to our clients and to creating safe, disaster-resistant, sustainable buildings.

Call us about your pro­ject and your ideas:  540 349 5004  or email:  info@mac­don­al­dar­chi­tects.com

  • Profile
    Our design firm incorporates people with diverse design, administrative, and engineering skills.

  • Mission Statement
    Our mission is to design truly sustainable structures, using Net Zero, Passiv Haus, Net Positive, passive solar, solar, passive geothermal, with super insulated building shells made of super strong and durable structures.

  • Macdonald CV
    The principal design architect for Macdonald Architecture & Technology PLC. has international experience in construction supervision, building and site design, construction cost control, and in Ferrocement prefabrication assembly line design and production management.

The Firm:

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy PLC is an pro­fes­sion­al ar­chi­tec­tur­al and en­gin­eer­ing design cor­por­a­tion fo­cus­ing on the in­teg­ra­tion of ad­vanced struc­tur­al and en­ergy tech­no­logy in­to land, build­ing and in­teri­or design.  The firm is loc­ated in the Culpeper Busi­ness Cen­ter in Culpeper VA USA.



Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy provides com­plete ar­chi­tec­tur­al design for pro­jects and build­ings of all types.  We of­fer pre-design ser­vices such as: 

  • Feas­ib­il­ity Study
  • Land Plan­ning
  • Pro­ject Pro­gram­ming

In ad­di­tion to ar­chi­tec­tur­al design, we in­teg­rate insu­la­tion, power gen­er­a­tion & dis­tri­bu­tion, and heat­ing & cool­ing tech­no­logy in­to a com­pre­hens­ive di­git­al BIM, Build­ing In­form­a­tion Mod­el.  This mod­el pro­jects rel­ev­ant data for all con­struc­tion trades to de-con­flict design ele­ments such as ser­vice runs and struc­tur­al mem­bers.  Our BIM also auto­mat­ic­ally cal­cu­lates con­struc­tion cost so that cli­ents can "see" the re­la­tion­ship between a design and its cost dur­ing the design de­vel­op­ment peri­od when budget de­cisions are be­ing made:

  • Value En­gin­eer­ing
  • Pre­lim­in­ary Draw­ings & in­ter­act­ive 3D fly-through build­ing mod­el

Con­form­ance to ap­plic­able build­ing codes and or­din­ances is a fea­ture of our:

  • Per­mit Sub­mis­sion draw­ings and
  • Work­ing Draw­ings

Be­fore and dur­ing the con­struc­tion peri­od we provide es­sen­tial pro­ject man­age­ment ser­vices for on-time and on-budget con­struc­tion that pro­tect cli­ents from over­pay­ments:

  • Bid so­li­cit­a­tion and shop draw­ing re­view
  • Con­struc­tion Sched­ule keyed to item­ized budget
  • Con­tract between Own­er and Build­er
  • Change Or­ders
  • Con­tract­or in­ter­im pay­ment cer­ti­fic­ates keyed to the item­ized BIM cost con­trol con­struc­tion budget
  • Site in­spec­tions, punch list, and cer­ti­fic­ate of com­ple­tion.

Sample Pro­jects:

Re­pair, re­mod­el, ex­tend and re­pur­pose ex­ist­ing and his­tor­ic­al struc­tures to ac­com­mod­ate mod­ern needs and cli­ents’ pro­ject vis­ions:

  • Fre­d­er­icks­burg Cen­ter, Fre­d­er­icks­burg VA  1930’s cel­lo­phane fact­ory in­to in­dus­tri­al in­cub­at­or, one of the largest in­dus­tri­al re­build­ing pro­jects in VA

  • Gov­ernor Bar­bour Man­sion, Bar­bours­ville, VA: new site drain­age and sub­grade wa­ter­proof­ing pro­gram to cure in­teri­or hu­mid­ity

  • St. Ann’s St. Theat­er, Fre­d­er­icks­burg, VA: re­pur­pose ex­ist­ing his­tor­ic­al theat­er build­ing as Fre­d­er­icks­burg Gal­ler­ia, a re­tail mini-mall & res­id­en­tial con­dom­in­i­ums, fer­ro­ce­ment in­teri­or struc­ture


Re­tail & Com­mer­cial in­clud­ing re-pur­pos­ing, space plan­ning & ten­ant build-out in ex­ist­ing struc­tures:

  • Dom­ino’s Pizza, Fore­ston Woods Cen­ter, Stafford VA: the first Vir­gin­ia stand alone Dom­ino’s Pizza store

  • CVS, Fore­ston Woods Cen­ter, Stafford VA: the first Vir­gin­ia stand alone CVS phar­macy

  • War­renton Gal­ler­ia, War­renton VA: re­tail and pro­fes­sion­al build­ing on W. Shir­ley Ave

  • Build­ings A, B & C Fore­ston Woods Cen­ter, Stafford VA: strip mall struc­tures made of fer­ro­ce­ment

  • Quarry Of­fice, King George, VA: fer­ro­ce­ment of­fice build­ing


Hos­pit­al­ity & Res­taur­ant:

  • Dur­ango’s res­taur­ant chain: in Stafford & Fre­d­er­icks­burg VA

  • Sleep Inn motel Fre­d­er­icks­burg VA

  • Lux­ury Tour­ists Vil­las at Try­all Club, Mon­t­ego Bay, Ja­maica

  • 5 Guys Fam­ous Ham­bur­gers Res­taur­ant, Culpeper VA


Com­mu­nity, Edu­ca­tion­al & Re­li­gious:

  • Salem Run Day Care, Fre­d­er­icks­burg VA

  • Min­nie­land Day Care, Fre­d­er­icks­burg VA

  • Safe & Sound Day Care, Stafford VA

  • St. Patrick East­ern Or­tho­dox church and school, Opal, VA fer­ro­ce­ment struc­ture


In­dus­tri­al & Winery:

  • Hor­ton Winery & tast­ing room: Bar­bours­ville VA, earth bermed fer­ro­ce­ment struc­ture

  • Bar­bours­ville Winery: Bar­bours­ville VA, re­mod­el pro­duc­tion line, new tast­ing room & res­taur­ant

  • Dom­in­ion Winery: Culpeper VA, earth bermed court­yard winery & tast­ing room


Multi-Fam­ily & Res­id­en­tial:

  • HUD eld­ery apart­ment & mixed use com­plexes: Oil City PA, Erie PA

  • Farm Home Administration elderly apartment complex Orange VA

  • Af­ford­able town­houses & apart­ments: The Plains VA, Oil City PA,  Bur­l­ing­ton VT, Or­ange VA.

  • St. James Court apart­ments, King­ston Ja­maica

  • DIY, do-it-your­self en­ergy ef­fi­cient & earth sheltered and earth tempered homes on many sites in USA

  • Af­ford­able so­cial hous­ing: am-cor mod­el home: Dar Es Sa­laam, Tan­zania