Macdonald CV

The principal design architect for Macdonald Architecture & Technology PLC. has international experience in construction supervision, building and site design, construction cost control, and in Ferrocement prefabrication assembly line design and production management.

Qual­i­fic­a­tions of the Prin­cip­al:

An­gus Wy­man Mac­don­ald, M.Arch. Ar­chi­tect AIA US­GBC NCARB

Ar­chi­tect / En­gin­eer li­censes in: VA, MD, DC, MI, FL, SC, NY, VT,  PA, LA



Bach­el­or of Fine Arts, Yale Uni­versity, 1964, Cum Laude

Mas­ter of Ar­chi­tec­ture, M.Arch.: Yale Uni­versity School of Ar­chi­tec­ture 1967


Pro­fes­sion­al Af­fil­i­ations

SFA  Steel Fram­ing Al­li­ance

ICC  In­ter­na­tion­al Code Coun­cil

US­GBC  United States Green Build­ing Coun­cil

NCARB  Na­tion­al Coun­cil of Ar­chi­tec­tur­al Re­gis­tra­tion Boards


Design Awards

Amer­ic­an In­sti­tu­te of Ar­chi­tects, AIA: Award for Ex­cel­lence in the Study of Ar­chi­tec­ture 1967

US Farm Home Ad­min­is­tra­tion: Most Energy Effi­cient Pro­ject Her­it­age Hill Apart­ments, Or­ange, Va.

Na­tion­al As­so­ci­ation of Home Build­ers best of Fre­d­er­icks­burg com­pet­i­tion 1990

a. Best res­id­en­tial design selling for un­der $150,000

b. Best res­id­en­tial design selling for un­der $250,000

Award for In­nov­at­ive Fer­ro­ce­ment Design, 4th Fer­ro­ce­ment Con­fer­en­ce Ker­ala, In­dia 2017



Hous­ing in the Hills, earth sheltered al­tern­ate en­ergy design, Ja­maica Ar­chi­tect Magazine

Build­ing Your Own Earth Tempered Home, The Moth­er Earth News

Fer­ro­ce­ment Coat­ings on Pan­el­ized Steel Frame Struc­tures, Ferro-7 In­ter­na­tion­al Fer­ro­ce­ment So­ci­ety

Pre­fab­ric­ated Fer­ro­ce­ment Struc­tures, Ferro-8 In­ter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um on Fer­ro­ce­ment

Design­ing for Hur­ricane, Earth­quake & Flood Res­ist­ance, Ar­chi­tec­ture Ex­change East, AIA Rich­mond VA, 2018

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity the New Form Giver, Ar­chi­tec­ture Ex­change East, AIA Rich­mond VA, 2019


Guest Ed­it­or

Geor­gi­an So­ci­ety of Ja­maica Journ­al

Air Ja­maica Magazine

Ja­maica Ar­chi­tect



Fu­gard Burt Wilkin­son & Orth Ar­chi­tects, Chica­go

Har­ris­on & Ab­ramovitz Ar­chi­tects, New York

Mar­vin D. Good­man & As­so­ci­ates, Ar­chi­tects, King­ston Ja­maica

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy PLC. since 1977.

Pres. am-cor inc. Pre­fab­ric­ated Fer­ro­ce­ment Struc­tures