Sustainable Environmental Design

We practice sustainable design architecture, green design, low Carbon construction, for sustainable building design, with net zero fossil fuel use, earthquake, storm, flood, and wildfire survival, and universal sustainable interior design for family safety and accessibility.

Green design saves money for build­ing own­ers and lowers build­ing op­er­at­ing cost.

We spe­cial­ize in sus­tain­able land­scape design with in­teg­rated en­ergy en­gin­eer­ing for green & sus­tain­able build­ings.

There are 3 pil­lars of Sus­tain­ab­il­ity:

1. Lower­ing the Car­bon foot­print of con­struc­tion:

Our ma­ter­i­al choices and struc­tur­al design prin­ciples sub­stan­tially re­duce the Car­bon foot­print and cost of both con­struc­tion ma­ter­i­al and labor

2.  Cre­at­ing dur­able safe dis­as­ter res­ist­ant build­ings:

  • Struc­tures that are res­ist­ant to hur­ricane, flood, storm surge, earth­quake, and wild­fire          

  • A Fer­ro­ce­ment struc­tur­al skin re­in­forced with a gal­van­ized steel frame­work en­hances strength & dur­ab­il­ity

  • This way there are no joints and ma­ter­i­al changes which can come apart dur­ing ex­treme events

3.  Build­ings that gen­er­ate, con­serve & dis­trib­ute en­ergy for sus­tain­able liv­ing

  • Net Zero de­signed build­ings gen­er­ate all the en­ergy needed for heat­ing, cool­ing, light­ing, and for re­char­ging your elec­tric­al car ... this means free sol­ar gen­er­ated mo­bil­ity ... all in your home design

  • Pass­ive Haus en­ergy con­ser­va­tion through su­per-in­su­lated con­struc­tion

  • Pass­ive Geo­therm­al us­ing the earth’s con­stant en­ergy to heat & cool your home

  • En­ergy In­de­pend­en­ce us­ing Pass­ive & Act­ive sol­ar heat­ing, cool­ing & power gen­er­a­tion