Mission Statement

Our mission is to design truly sustainable structures, using Net Zero, Passiv Haus, Net Positive, passive solar, solar, passive geothermal, with super insulated building shells made of super strong and durable structures.

Mis­sion State­ment:


The design philo­sophy of Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy is based on the premise that the re­la­tion­ship between man­kind and Nature is em­bod­ied in the prac­tice of ar­chi­tec­tur­al design.  Ar­chi­tec­ture provides the meth­od by which we or­gan­ize the ba­sics of shel­ter.  We define our ac­tions, and design spaces with qual­it­ies to ap­pro­pri­ately ac­com­mod­ate these ac­tions.   Ar­chi­tec­ture also en­com­passes the spir­itu­al act­iv­ity of man­kind in that build­ing design dir­ec­tly af­fects how our dreams, as­pir­a­tions, and self-im­age shape our built world and its re­la­tion­ship to the nat­ur­al world.

The sense of phys­ic­al and spir­itu­al well-be­ing por­trayed by the word "home" speaks to the age old act­iv­ity of mak­ing a nest where we might be safe and com­fort­able.  The design of a se­cure and com­fort­able shel­ter "home" in­cludes pro­gram­mat­ic choices of ma­ter­i­als and con­struc­tion, these days in the form of man­u­fac­tured products and code com­pli­ant build­ing meth­ods, such that this home may re­main af­ford­able, dur­able, com­mo­di­ous, and beau­ti­ful.  These qual­it­ies re­quire us to in­teg­rate tech­no­logy in­to cre­ation of build­ings which can sus­tain them­selves through time.

To be sus­tain­able through gen­er­a­tions this shel­ter must be fab­ric­ated ac­cord­ing to nat­ur­al en­vir­on­ment­al prin­ciples.  The at­ti­tude of the ar­chi­tect to­wards his ma­nip­u­la­tion of Nature, ma­ter­i­al fab­ric­a­tion, and build­ing con­struc­tion is crit­ic­al, per­haps to the sus­tain­ance of man­kind it­self.  The waste and rape of the nat­ur­al en­vir­on­ment in or­der to build build­ings threatens forests, ad­vances deserts, and al­ters mi­cro-cli­mates.  Ar­chi­tects are at the crux of this act­iv­ity.  So­ci­ety has en­trus­ted us with pub­lic safety, the design of the built en­vir­on­ment, and its re­la­tion­ship to Nature.

It is time for ar­chi­tects to in­volve en­ergy en­gin­eer­ing in design, in­cor­por­at­ing sol­ar en­ergy pro­du­ction, both as elec­tric­al power and heat, as well as earth tem­per­ing in­to shel­ter con­struc­tion.  Com­fort can be achieved through the phys­ics and geo­metry of the build­ing it­self as well as through ma­chinery.  These means are re­new­able, less ex­pens­ive for the own­er, and less tax­ing on the nat­ur­al en­vir­on­ment.


Of all the feel­ings ex­per­i­en­ced by a per­son, the feel­ing of "com­ing home" is one of the old­est and most ba­sic.  The sense of long­ing for home, and the in­ner com­fort and re­lief of com­ing home, are com­mon to tri­bal and mod­ern man alike.  The prac­tice of ar­chi­tec­ture today has be­fore it a gi­ant and worthy task: which is to con­sciously mold the in­ef­fable beauty and grace of com­ing home from mod­ern man­u­fac­tured con­struc­tion ma­ter­i­als and meth­ods.  This task takes pre­ced­en­ce over desig­ni­ing to be pub­lished, or design­ing ac­cord­ing to this or that mod­ern, or post-mod­ern ar­chi­tec­tur­al style.  It is the most ex­cit­ing and com­pre­hens­ive of tasks to tax the depth and abil­ity of the finest de­sign­er!

Sin­cere and in­formed em­pathy leads the de­sign­er to­wards an am­al­gam­a­tion of tra­di­tion­al re­gion­al forms with mod­ern con­struc­tion tech­no­logy.  Such his­tor­ic­al ref­er­en­ce is what we in­ter­pret as the charm and fla­vor of man­kind's vari­ous cul­tures and the world's spe­cif­ic loc­ales.  If the me­dia ori­en­ted lens through which ar­chi­tects see their work be­ing judged and pub­lished could be dis­pelled, a true vis­ion sens­it­ive to the re­gion­al­ity and in­di­vidu­al­ity of loc­al cul­tures would ap­pear.  There is no com­pel­ling reas­on for the re­jec­tion of tra­di­tion­al mor­pho­logy.  Tra­di­tion­al forms and their or­na­ment­al pro­grams, ex­tend­ing back for some­times thou­sands of years, need not be re­placed by the latest ar­chi­tec­tur­al fash­ion simply be­cause the prac­tice of ar­chi­tec­ture, like man­u­fac­tur­ing, has be­come single fa­ceted through the dom­in­ance of glob­al con­tract­ors and in­ter­na­tion­al design cor­por­a­tions.

The qual­it­ies of built space which in­spire the emo­tion of com­ing home res­on­ate in the mind and spir­it of our cli­ents.  Our cli­ent's in­ner be­ing reaches back to both child­hood memory and to com­mon his­tory when it re­acts to the form of his home.  It is our gift and duty as ar­chi­tects to evoke this emo­tion hon­es­tly, through the em­path­et­ic ap­plic­a­tion of our curi­os­ity and cre­at­iv­ity re­gard­ing both the phys­ic­al world of Nature as well as the so­cial and cul­tur­al mi­lieu of our cli­ents.

We be­lieve such prac­tice to be en­light­en­ing to ours­elves and be­ne­fi­cial to man­kind at large.